Each business has a different set of benefits that comes with a virtual tour. The overarching idea is that a virtual tour will lead to more customers and set you apart from your competitor.

#1: Showcase Your Personality

You spent a lot of time putting together each detail in your business to make sure the space has a personality. This personality is the common thread that connects you and your customers. Using a typical text-based Google result is hard to showcase your personality.

With a virtual tour, you can show this personality to people with great detail. As they’re considering which business to choose, you can introduce them to your brand’s voice. You can show your brand identity without waiting for someone to show up at your door.

Not only that, but VR tours also offer personal interaction with your potential customers. Since they can control the tour and navigate around your business, it makes them feel a connection with your brand.

This goes beyond just putting a face with a name, you’re giving customers an opportunity to freely explore your space and get to know your business inside and out.

#2: Increase Your Local SERP Ranking

The one thing we know about Google is that businesses with 360 virtual tours are shown higher in the list than those without.

This is largely due to the fact that searchers will spend more time on your listing, touring your facility and experiencing the virtual tour. This extra time works wonders for how you perform locally.

With enough time, this could lead your business to the top search result for your area. This slot is coveted and gets the most clicks from prospective customers and is essentially free advertising. The simple fact is that a VR tour can help you beat every other competitor in your area.

This idea also goes beyond local Google searches. You can attract people from a much larger area that might be willing to make the drive to your premises.

#3: Stand Out in the Crowd

The simple fact is that a virtual tour helps you stand out. In a lineup of 10 businesses, searchers will spend the most time with the one business that offers a VR tour of their facility.

Again, this interaction helps your Google position which will lead to even more interactions – this creates a snowball effect that makes your online presence even stronger.

You’re giving people something fun and unique that helps you stand out among your competitors. Even if someone wasn’t interested in visiting your company in the first place, a virtual tour can show them an aspect that entices them to stop by.

This is one of the quickest ways to get an upper-hand amongst other businesses in your area.

#4: Attract More Customers

This is the big reason why you should care; you’ll attract more customers by setting up virtual tours of your business.

In today’s age, Google is the biggest way to get more eyes on your business. An overwhelming majority of people will use an internet search to evaluate which company to choose. If you have a virtual tour for your company that shows up on a Google result, you’ll attract more customers.

As they interact with this tour, you’ll appear higher on the list of search results.

The interesting part of the package we offer is that there’s no ongoing fee that you have to pay us. An upfront cost will result in natural and long-lasting customer attraction.

When you think about it, a VR tour of your business is a giant billboard for your company. By pulling back the curtain, you’re allowing customers to make an informed decision.

#5: Gain Insight About Your Business

Virtual tours offer a level of insight that you can’t get anywhere else. Since the tour is composed of a series of photos that are viewed digitally, there’s a lot of data that you can look through.

Namely, you can see what areas of your floorplan people spend the most time looking at. Maybe you have a display that gets overwhelmingly more views than any other part of your business. Now you can take a closer look at this display and understand what’s different about it and how you can incorporate that idea into the rest of your business.

Perhaps you can put more of your high-margin products in a display that gets more views than the rest of your building. The possibilities are endless.

Data is a powerful tool when it comes to growing and shaping your business. Virtual tours offer more data than you might expect. You can also get a better understanding of the geographic location of the people searching for your business.

This might lead you to open a second location in that area.

Track how many times your tour was clicked, how long people spent touring your business, where their focus was, and how many of those clicks converted to a sale or a call. All of this information is tied to your Google My Business account where this tour will be hosted.

For More Information

There are a lot of company-specific reasons why your business needs a virtual tour. If you would like to learn more than these 5 reasons, you can reach out to 360 Visual Media at any time. We’re here to provide a high-quality 360 tour for your operation.

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